The PLRH joined Janet Jull from the University of Ottawa, as well as teams from the University of Manchester and University of Bristol, to host a workshop on ‘Rethinking Engagement for Health’ at the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement 2017 Engage conference.
The PLRH participated in the 10th NIHR INVOLVE conference, celebrating 21 years of INVOLVE to “celebrate the progress of public involvement in research and consider the opportunities ahead”. Our poster was an overall finalist! Check out all the posters and conference report here.
The Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre PPI team launched a new ‘Young People in Research’ programme in collaboration with the NIHR/Wellcome Cambridge CRF and the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust’s Work Experience team. The programme is aimed at sixth form students interested in pursuing a career in medicine or research. The PLRH was invited to present […]
We were very pleased to take part in the Cambridge Rare Disease Summit 2017 “Re-imagining the Patient Journey!” This great event brought together patient groups, healthcare, academics, researchers, biotech companies, and the pharmaceutical industry in a spirit of collaboration, innovation and passion to re-imagine and re-invent the rare disease patient journey.
We’ve got an article in the Autumn edition of INVOLVE’s ‘NIHR Patients and the public’ newsletter! Read all about us on page 3-4 here!
We are proud to announce our director, Dr Thomas Hiemstra, has been shortlisted for the Health Enterprise East Innovation Awards, Clinical Entrepreneur category!